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Old 07-23-2017, 11:28 AM
SNAPFisher SNAPFisher is offline
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Originally Posted by Kurt505 View Post
I admitted that the south, only having about 5 lakes is best with tags, I admitted that lakes near large urban centers is best with tags and also stated I think they need more tags for those lakes, and I said that I still think northern lakes could go on a one walleye limit type system. And MAYBE that change is on the way the next time the 5 year test cycle comes by, who knows. You see, I do have an open mind, I have learned something from this thread, and maybe there are some others reading this with an open mind can see the need for more lakes to open up for more retention.
Looks like you learning something. You did not act that way when you started, e.g. 1 fish limit in general, so it seems this is having some impact on you for the better, which is good.

Looks like we agree then, Specific management by water body and area. Did I not say this much earlier? You finally came around to it.

I'm not going to explain the article to you. I like it. I thought it was very on topic when referring to balance. Maybe that is best left for another post like the this one:
The scope of this discussion has been narrowed to a few or so species and lakes only, so be it.

Looks like we agree to agree then instead. Unless you have another agenda you have not shared yet...