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Old 07-21-2017, 09:21 PM
SNAPFisher SNAPFisher is offline
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Originally Posted by Kurt505 View Post
I didn't laugh at the article, I laughed you, the fact you're trying to get in on this argument but you keep missing the bus. You think I'm all over the place, that's because of your comprehension skills.

Give you credit for the article??? LOL, You brought up the fact that YOU posted it on a couple of occasions. Not only are you confusing what I wrote, you don't even know what you wrote! It's no wonder you think I'm all over the place.

Obviously I'm wasting my time conversing with you, if you can't comprehend what I write, or apparently what you write, there's no hope of making headway. So I'm done wasting my responses with you.

Take care.
That is because you can't keep your own ideas straight
Make sure you get your seat at the fisheries round table.