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Old 07-21-2017, 04:31 PM
Kurt505 Kurt505 is offline
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Originally Posted by SNAPFisher View Post
So now you just want to focus on walleye? Wasn't it you that said to think about "balance" and all species? Correct? I found a good research article about fisheries decline...thought that would help you out. I got me thinking for sure about the bigger picture. That is not a bad thing. If you can't take the time to read and understand it, I guess that is off the table for this discussion which is fine. Just don't bring up "balance" again and sit there and expect balance to be defined by you and your terms only.

And, now the 1 fish slot size limit is off the table too? Just trying to get back to some kind of understanding of what it is you are proposed because it changes from post to post. This is not an insult, I'm finding this genuinely hard to follow. If you still believe in a general 1 fish limit reg, then you are wrong and that will never / unlikely to happen.

If there are certain lakes where the walleye are abundant, sure. Some retention is good. Bring on the tags there too if there are none today. Or, some other retention that works for that particular lake, good too. That is not putting additional restrictions is it? Seems like we agree don't we?

BTW, there is no hate here. Maybe you are inventing something? Relax, okay.
Your response is getting better but your comprehension isn't.

You're not taking the time to read my post, or your just not comprehending it, like in this quote or when you quoted me on post #92

I don't want to focus on just walleye, hence why I commented on out of proportion walleye to PIKE to PERCH populations.

You found a good article (one that was posted by Don just a couple days ago but if you like I can give you credit for re-posting in this thread) on fisheries in genera, but nowhere in it does it directly address the issue of balancing out the ratios. Another good article Don posted was about Wabamun lake, did you happen to read that one? Buck, Lac Ste Anne, and pigeon to name a few, are all on their way to suffering the same type of fate.