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Old 07-21-2017, 02:32 PM
SNAPFisher SNAPFisher is offline
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Originally Posted by Kurt505 View Post
I'm in the same place I started, you're the one all over the place. And fwiw in no post did I say anything about water quality, I said habitat destruction.

You have addressed nothing pertaining to my opinion other than expressing your personal feelings towards me.

Tell me what your plan is for overpopulated lakes with stunted fish? What is your plans for the lakes that are headed there as we speak?

I see you jump on the bandwagon as a roadie, let's here some solutions from you.

So water quality and habitat destruction can't be discussed at the same time? Too much for you??

So without addressing the bigger issue and focus just on increasing fish limits, which is all you have, slot or otherwise, my stance is that it is not going to work to add yet another general regulation of a retention of 1 across Alberta. You even admitted that a few posts back but have apparently changed your mind again??

My thinking is, you have to manage each water body for limits, tags for more populated lakes, slot as in the case of Calling but tags if that fails to sustain there too...
In summary, let them continue making progress