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Old 07-21-2017, 08:43 AM
Kurt505 Kurt505 is offline
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Originally Posted by Walleyedude View Post
I'm basing my argument on wanting a healthy fishery for all species, for all anglers. THAT is my agenda. Nothing else. Do not put words in my mouth.

A 5 fish limit devasted AB's fisheries to the point it took decades to recover. If you can't see the light based on your own experiences and the "case studies" that are all around you, then there's nothing I can do for you.

Poaching/enforcement is the farthest thing from a moot point. I do understand why you don't want to address it and the difficulties it presents to your plan.

In my entire previous post, you conviently ignored 99% of it to zero in on one sentence to actually respond to, and on top of that, you responded with a strawman argument. I think I'm done here...
You aren't basing your argument on a healthy balance, strictly on a catch a walleye fishery. You haven't addressed the lakes which are grossly over populated with walleye.

It was a 5 fish, 10 retention fishery, of any size and it was left that way for too long. The case study we can base my suggestion on is Calling lake, it's a lake that has a 1 slot size fish regulation. And if you haven't noticed, it is a great proponent of my suggestion. Are there any other lakes they have tried this on?

You understand why I don't want to address poaching??? Are you suggesting I'm a poacher? Because you had better damn not be. Poachers are poachers and will poach if the limit is 0 or 50! Poachers and poaching is a whole other topic and won't change with regulations.

None of your post addressed a balanced fishery, it's solely aimed at walleye. You conveniently ignored the fact there are lakes with the pike and perch fishery collapsing because the lakes are grossly over populated with walleye.

Yes Alberta has a high angler to lake ratio, but a zero retention or near zero retention of walleye is obviously not the solution unless all you want is for Alberta to be a walleye only province. There are several lakes that are living proof of that.

The current plan of zero or near zero retention is just now starting to show its ill side effects, and with Albertas proven conservation track record of being a reactive system rather than a proactive system, it won't be long before we have totally collapsed pike and perch fisheries.