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Old 07-20-2017, 09:26 PM
Kurt505 Kurt505 is offline
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Originally Posted by Talking moose View Post
Kurt. I think if you opened every lake to a one fish limit, people from Edmonton for example, would decimate the closest lakes to the city and when those lakes right close to Edmonton were fished out(because of the convienance and proximity to a large city), they would focus on the next closest lakes moving outward from the city as the lakes started to fail them. I picture an army of ants or caterpillars moving outward from the city eating everything in its path until the only lakes worth fishing are the farthest of lakes. Not sure if it would happen that way but that's the pic I get.
Maybe? But it would sure help with the pike and perch populations. If a slot size was imposed with the one fish rule then it would make it more difficult to "fish out" a lake.