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Old 07-20-2017, 09:22 PM
SNAPFisher SNAPFisher is offline
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Originally Posted by Kurt505 View Post
Why do you have such hurt feelings? Apparently you are a mighty fisherman but you haven't been able to tell me what would be the downside to a one fish limit.

I don't care that you insult me, and I don't care that we don't agree, I'd just like for you to show me how our current system is any better than what I suggested. I've pointed out how our current system is creating an imbalance in fish ratios, created high fishing pressure on lakes where retention is allowed, and if you have a look at the article posted by Don, what a mess wabamun has become.

Approximately 24 weekends in the open water season, the average licenced angler gets out for what, 6 times? I'm not talking about awesome fishermen like yourself, I'm talking about the average amongst licensed anglers in Alberta. There is what, say 280,000 licenses sold in Alberta? Now say they all kept their limit on all 6 trips, that's about 1.7 million province wide. How many walleye are reproduced in a year in Alberta? Each female drops what? 300,000 400,000 500,000 eggs?

Is it selfish to want to be able to eat fish, is it selfish to destroy a pike and perch habitat so you can let 100 walleye go out n a day?
Yes, it is selfish to, imho, want a province wide 1 fish limit. That is not balance even though you think it is. You can continue to type about it on a forum and accomplish what??

Kurt, there is nothing you have said that bothers me, moves me, makes me think, and even gives me pause for thought. It is okay to disagree. Really.