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Old 07-20-2017, 03:12 PM
Walleyedude Walleyedude is offline
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Originally Posted by Kurt505 View Post
No, my plan is not to fish out any lake, my plan is to even out the fishing pressure rather than kill the good fishing holes that are left!
That isn't what you posted though. Your post stated that anglers would move on from a lake when the fishing became poor. Thereby focusing their efforts on a different lake. They'll focus on the new lake until the fishing on that lake becomes poor, at which point they'll move on again.

Regardless of how much you spread out the pressure, that pressure will affect the fisheries. It will affect every fishery differently and in different time frames, but the end result of what you posted is to gradually kill all of the good fishing holes. It's inevitable.

While I realize that it's an extreme case, and not what you're suggesting, the decline of PCR should be a pretty shocking example for people of the effects of open harvest on most AB lakes.