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Old 06-11-2017, 03:52 PM
silverdoctor silverdoctor is offline
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Originally Posted by Newview01 View Post
You are not getting away from the fact that all living organisms are the result of incest. Even with your beliefs, at one point there were two organisms that reproduced to result in the diversity we have today.
You're not looking for answers. If you were, you would research the science side of things alot more. The answers are out there. I can give you theory, fact, evidence - and it's not going to make a lick of difference to the outcome of this thread or the outcome of your beliefs.

I will however say something that's likely going to upset the apple cart.

Again, I was raised Catholic - even though my mother wasn't practising. Both sides of the family however made sure I was educated in Catholicism, that I went to church, that I went to Catholic schools, that I prayed.

30 years ago, I gave it all up - last talk I had to a Catholic priest was likely at the age of 16. He told me if I don't practise Catholicism, then I am not Catholic. Ok, I'm not Catholic anymore - fair game and he was right. It took me a while to give up on the idea of God. Still finished up to grade 12 in Catholic schools - cause an ass in the chair is funding - and all my friends were there.

Fast forward 30 years - and still, when there's a tragedy in life, subconsciously I still get the urge to get on my knees and pray. Then I catch myself and realize there is nothing there.

People won't like it - but it took alot of years to truly realize how brainwashed I was - it's brainwashing defined. And yes, I can feel free to say that - cause I lived it - and still do.