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Old 06-11-2017, 01:20 PM
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RavYak RavYak is offline
Join Date: Jul 2011
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Evolution is obvious to anyone with any scientific inkling. BBC's Inside Nature's Giants does a great job showing why many of the worlds largest animals adapted the way they did. There are also a billion other examples a guy can use to prove the point but no point explaining them all because the naysayers refuse to listen to science anyways...

Creationism will always be argued because some people just can't fathom that life could possibly exist without some supernatural involvement. My question to you is what godly thing created the godly thing that created us? When does that never ending loop stop? What seems more realistic

A) A supernatural entity(with no physical or scientific proof of ever existing) magically appear and then deciding to create life.

B) Somehow the creation of the most basic of atoms that which over millions of years combined to form life as we know it.

Most religions are thousands of years old at most. The earth alone is billions of years old... Religions commenting on creationism are nothing more then theories written by crazy men. Christianity as an example was created to control peasants. To make them fear and listen to the elites who wanted to control the world... Now a days it blows my mind that so much of society can choose to be ignorant to what was an obvious hoax...

And with that I will make sure not to reopen this thread... No point arguing with the unreasonable...