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Old 06-11-2017, 12:44 PM
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tri777 tri777 is offline
Join Date: Oct 2012
Posts: 4,032

Final thought for me on this before the thread closes,

Actually laying in your deathbed, you just may completely
betray your current strong held outlook(s)..seen it yet again for myself last May
as my 84yr old, non believing friend, passed away in the hospital full of cancer.
He was 100% anti (was since i met him in 1989)..the human trend seem to point at:

Having strong/current health=
many fooled/reckless/full off pee-vingar/seemingly got it all figured out,
then along comes an unannounced visit from Mr.illness & suddenly a good majority
take to speedily waking up & making almost unbelievable complete
180 turns of years long stances once held, pulling almost a self-betrayal, and leaving those oberserving them
witness for themselves them make 'real-world' decisions.
Being 'healthy in the present' fools many a folk..........

on that note,
"Now listen to the sound of my newly purchased reel
and watch this cast" !!

Last edited by tri777; 06-11-2017 at 12:52 PM.