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Old 05-29-2017, 12:55 PM
rugatika rugatika is offline
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Originally Posted by hillbillyreefer View Post
A day later and all the coat hanger AO crowd can worry about is control over their vaginas.

Imagine if the media and AO railed against Muslims like they do Conservatives, you'd be labeled a bigot and run off the board. Everyone is entitled to their values in Canada we even allow convicted terrorists to keep their citizenship, but be a conservative and the view is you should be hung.

Have any of you literate geniuses read what Scheer has said on the topics you seem so worried about, or have you just gone full term, follow the herd moron?
I barely care about his social conservative positions, as do most conservatives I suspect. What I do care about is his ability to convince at least part of the vast center of Canada that he doesn't have a "secret agenda" (I know he doesn't, and you know he doesn't, but that is what will be used against him).

I fully support him and hope he gets in. I just think the CPC has an uphill battle that they didn't need.
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