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Old 05-29-2017, 03:50 AM
raab raab is offline
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Originally Posted by CNP View Post
I suspect that conservatives amongst us are not Conservatives. Oh they like using the word, but don't know what it means. They like being on the right until someone shows up being more right or les right. They like financial conservatism but not social conservatism,,,,,,,,,,,,even though social conservatism is not at play and won't be to any great extent. I was as surprised as many to find that Andrew Scheer is our new leader, but I'm on board. In fact, I'm thinking he really is a good choice.

"Harper with a smile" and other juvenile chants are just that. And if you are a Conservative why wouldn't you be happy with a Harper with a smile (as a complement). If you're a conservative and didn't like Stephen never were a conservative.

Leave the guys faith out of political discourse, it's not relevant...........if it is, then what about our current PM flirting with Islam or any person (who should not be discriminated against as it is a constitutional right). Andrew Scheer appears to be all that he is.......................ambitious, family man that espouses the views of most of us.
How does Stephen Harper with a smile beat Trudeau?
When Harper himself couldnt do it despite the advantage of being in power? Hope you enjoy the Carbon tax, because the idiots in the CPC and a few infiltrators have just ensured another Trudeau government. Bernier was starting a movement much like what Trump did in the States. I dont see Scheer bringing the same energy and excitment to the party.
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