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Old 05-20-2017, 03:06 PM
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Twisted Canuck Twisted Canuck is offline
Join Date: Jul 2009
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So is being the President of the United States just a shallow popularity contest, or does competency and integrity come in to play at all? It's still early in his term, and all I see is a whole bunch of posturing and self aggrandizement going on. Will he actually be the type of President that accomplishes things that will be for the betterment of all US citizens? Will the world be a better and safer place in general? And will he govern in such a way as to bring dignity and honor to his office? Time will tell, but it's not looking really great. I'd be happy to be wrong about him, it would be great to have a real Statesman in that office again, but I'm not holding my breath. Really, the man can't even seem to grasp the concept of reality and truth too well. But I guess he is still better than the Clinton woman.....but Pee Wee Herman would have been a better choice than her, so not a really high bar there.

Edit: And enough with the labels already. 'Trump Hater', just because you don't worship at the altar of Donald. If a person can't apply critical thinking to world leaders, I guess being a sheep is ok? It used to be that questioning and holding elected officials to account was a good thing.
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