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Old 05-10-2017, 10:24 PM
stringer stringer is offline
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Originally Posted by midgetwaiter View Post
Clapper was most recently the DNI, he was not the head of the NSA.

He also did NOT say there was no credible evidence of collusion, he affirmed there was no definitive evidence. His word choice was precise and your parsing of it is dishonest. The context is also important, it was the first question asked after he made a statement which included this statement:

During my tenure as DNI, it was my practice to defer to the FBI director, both Director Mueller and then subsequently Director Comey, on whether, when and to what extent they would inform me about such investigations. This stems from the unique position of the FBI, which straddles both intelligence and law enforcement.

As such anyone dismissing the possibility of collusion based on Clapper's affirmation that he is unaware of definitive evidence is displaying the same poor judgement as someone who believes the opposite based on the whinging of your local professional leftie protestor.

Here's the transcript of the testimony. Take note of Yates' answer to the same question.
Your correct DNI..
Adam Schiff a democrat from the house intelligence committee says he hasn't seen any evedence of Russian collusion , just 2 weeks ago.. So if you have evidence please inform MR. Schiff and post for all to see.
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