Thread: Sale is on
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Old 05-09-2017, 08:26 AM
APAShooter APAShooter is offline
Join Date: Jul 2012
Posts: 174

Originally Posted by northbuck View Post
A couple of questions for those in the know...

First, I often hear mention of the Top Lot and being up North where we have the darker coyotes...I realize that I'll never be fortunate to see one of those...
But looking at the sale, I'm just curious...those 8 yotes that sold at 500 US (lot 328901) would be the only 8 coyotes that get top lot status? Or does Top Lot signify something more?

And secondly, is it generally the case that the descending order of the lots that follow reflect the quality/grade of those lots? The higher up on the page means higher quality...and as you get deeper into the lower lots, the quality lessens?
It seems that would be the obvious answer but I'm always confused by how the prices seem to jump all over the place...1/3 of my furs high...then a bunch that show a significant drop in price...then a bunch back up there again....

I realize that primeness, clarity, colour all affect prices...but wonder if this could also be a result of the auction bidding process...
Yes those 8 coyotes are the only ones that get Top Lot.. thats it thats all.

The reason you see the prices jump around is that the lots are listed in ascending order starting with - best grade - Best color - FOR 1-2 Clarity.

Once it has gone down the list of grades and colors for 1-2 it goes too Best grade - Beast color - FOR 3-4 Clarity... this is where you see the jump in price. A *SEL GC 1-2 really isn't much different than a *SEL GC 3-4 just a little darker on the belly.

With Coyotes its Grade gets you paid... SEL and I
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