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Old 04-21-2017, 10:19 AM
alberta_bha alberta_bha is offline
Join Date: Apr 2017
Posts: 8
Default Bha

Hi there,

The Alberta chapter (which is non-profit) is affiliated with the Backcountry Hunters & Anglers group, as the Alberta members share the same values (conserving the experience of wilderness hunting and angling, through the preservation of wild lands and wildlife).

Don Meredith is absolutely correct, that any funds collected by the Alberta chapter remain in Alberta, as is the case with the British Columbia chapter. Conversely, no money is sent by the US BHA chapters to the Canadian chapters. Money is directed towards efforts that our board, and general members, have identified as critical.

We are very much our own entity, as all BHA chapters are, and we pursue causes that affect the core values listed above. I understand that the perception is a US organization is attempting to influence what we do here in Alberta, but the board members that we have are committed to Alberta first, and foremost.

If you are open to further discussion, we will begin hosting pint nights (in Lethbridge, Calgary, Edmonton, and "tentatively" Fort McMurray) on a regular basis, starting in May. Everyone is more than welcome to attend, and see what we are about, and at the least, exchange a few hunting/fishing stories while having a beer.

We can be found on Facebook:
Twitter: alberta_BHA
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