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Old 04-17-2017, 10:51 PM
HunterDave HunterDave is offline
Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: Copperhead Road, Morinville
Posts: 19,289

Just from your posts defending Alberta having the highest costing basic trapping course in all of Canada, I knew damned well that you personally profited from it.....and I nailed it!

Well, I'm glad that you came clean that you are doing it for the money and not for what's best for trapping in Alberta. For $1300 you'd shut people out of trapping in Alberta......that's your price. Now stop being a hypocrite and running around telling people that if they cared about trapping in Alberta...... Greed at the expense of others absolutely disgusts me.

Now, tell me again how you are so hard done by and why I should give you my hard earned money.
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