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Old 04-16-2017, 06:19 PM
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Wolftrapper Wolftrapper is offline
Join Date: Dec 2010
Posts: 953

For what it's worth, one of my sons just completed the course held in Wildwood.
Although he knew a lot from me when he was young, he really enjoyed it and the new friends he made along with the atmosphere.
Plus this industry is always changing and he taught me a thing or two. Which didn't take much, haha.

He just came back from serving 8 yrs in the Military and this was a welcome change back to the basics and a normal life. He was to hell and back a couple times.
I gladly paid the course fee for him not that he couldn't, but honestly I was so damn proud he wanted it, but also so dang grateful he is back with us and he could.
Now I know this is a dramatic case maybe, but Im forever grateful for the opportunities we have and the men and women involved in the trapping and hunting industries.
I for one don't mind paying a little money to keep it going as in the end it's priceless.
Thanks to all involved.
Happy Easter.
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