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Old 03-29-2017, 03:29 PM
GoneFishingEDM GoneFishingEDM is offline
Join Date: Mar 2017
Location: Edmonton
Posts: 74

Originally Posted by kcward View Post
Curious what you picked up for a baitcast rod and reel. I have been wanting to try one, but everyone I talk has tried it and got rid of them. Have you had success casting with it? Many backlashes I hear until you get used to it.
I didn't go to crazy to start out with. I got a Quantum Accurist PT reel with a Quantum Catalyst Rod. I picked up some 1/4oz and 3/8 oz practice weights from the Fishing Hole. I've been practicing pretty regularly in a field. Day 1, I bird nested really bad on about the 4th try. After cutting out about 20 yards LOL. I cranked both my centrafugal break and my magnetic breaks all the way up, then slowly lowered the centrafugal break. I'm down to 2 out of 6 now, then I started lowering the magnetic break. I'm down to 5 our of 10. I haven't bird nested since. and I can outcast my spincaster with barely any effort.

I'll see how this year goes, I might upgrade next year if things go well. But so far I'm very impressed with the accuracy and distance. Practice seems to be the big thing. I recommend if you get one, pick up the practice weights and just cast and re-cast.
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