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Old 03-19-2017, 11:50 PM
West O'5 West O'5 is offline
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Originally Posted by denied access View Post
Devils advocate but as you need a building permit to add a deck and it is clearly shown on your lot plan would the back deck not be part of the dwelling? Used to shoot trap off the back deck all the time.
It's attached to and essentially part of your house,I don't see why not?
Actually,the original thread on CGN went so far as to say that your entire home property may in fact be legally described as say 123 Range Rd 45 for example,wether that is 1 acre surrounded by crown or 40 acres or 160 acres......but let's keep it simple and presume you are shooting from your deck,don't wanna open that can of worms,lol.

On the other hand.....speaking of devils advocate.....what if you live off;you bought a quarter section and built a self sufficient cabin on it and it is only accessible by goat path,you have no actual municipal address,only the legal land description,ie 10-20-35-45-W5 for instance?
That is your only legal address and primary residence.Your DL,Alberta Health Card,voter registration,RPAL,restricted firearms are all registered to that "address" which is in fact the entire quarter.Arguably,you could be anywhere on that quarter without ever having transported your restricted firearm from its registered address.
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