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Old 03-19-2017, 07:44 PM
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brendan's dad brendan's dad is offline
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Based on your "theory"......

If I transport my handgun to my gunsmith rural business which he runs out of his residence, can I test fire my hand gun inside his residence if he gives me permission?

Or if I transported to a residence for a potential sale so the potential buyer can see it prior to purchase and transfer, can I then let him test fire the handgun in his residence?

Transporting for the above scenarios are covered under my ATT, but there is no provision for using the handgun for target practice at these location, just like there is no provision for using a handgun at your residence. The only provision for usage legislated in the firearms act is for target practice at an approved range. If you want to count using a handgun for teaching purposes, then that can also be considered a usage, but while I am teaching I can not fire the handgun unless I am at an approved range.

In short, your theory is dead WRONG and it is irresponsible of you as a gun owner to be spreading this false information!