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Old 03-19-2017, 07:26 PM
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Bushrat Bushrat is offline
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Originally Posted by West O'5 View Post
Annnnddddd again've proven a whole lotta nothing,as again,Section 1.1 in plain English begins "In the case of an authorization to TRANSPORT......blah blah blah
Irrelevant if you don't transport anywhere from residence.
Still don't get it do ya......who's thick??
What is so hard to understand? It is very simple. Legislation clearly says the only place a restricted firearm can be fired is at a CFO endorsed range where the discharge of restricted firearms is approved. You are not allowed to fire a restricted firearm anywhere else. How much more simple can they make it.......Has the CFO inspected, approved or licenced your kitchen window or back deck or your back forty for the legal discharge of restricted firearms? If not then you can't shoot it there. Transport laws have nothing to do with where you can shoot it. Transport laws allow you to transport the weapon to and from where it is stored to where it is legal to shoot it, and the only legal place to shoot it is at an Approved range. It is not legal to shoot it where you store it unless where your storing it happens to be an Approved range.