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Old 03-15-2017, 06:12 PM
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catnthehat catnthehat is offline
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Originally Posted by titegroup View Post
Don't assume things I didn't say , I did not say Trudope enacted these laws nor Harper, they were signed into law by the Fed's.---- not by the Three Stooges. They also have the ability to look at & revise some parts of them, if they choose, but they are at the bottom of their priority list I'm sure. You're spelling gets worse the more riled you get.----
Not riled up at all you are the one that mentioned our current Government is responsible for the laws and frankly as Gitrdun stated I have no idea what you seem to be Trying argue about , except for maybe trying to tell everyone there is no law which states we cannot shoot restricted firearms anywhere but a non approved range -
If you people are so right and everyone else is so wrong why don't you test the law yourself and let us know how you make out
I personally don't care .
Anytime I figure I've got this long range thing figured out, I just strap into the sling and irons and remind myself that I don't!