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Old 03-15-2017, 03:34 PM
Walleyedude Walleyedude is offline
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Location: Calgary
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Originally Posted by RavYak View Post
They went ahead and opened PCR
I'm sure some will be thrilled. It's very unfortunate IMHO. Another "consultation" on what was already a foregone conclusion.

With a walleye and pike limit of 3 each, it'll be fished out in a year. The boat launch and dock should be one amazing spectacle on opening day...

Illegal to dispose of unused bait within 50 metres of water bodies except in a regularly serviced waste disposal receptacle.
This makes ZERO sense to me. It's a real head scratcher.

It's perfectly OK to fish with it - which exposes it to the water and will inevitably result in lost bait entering the water body - but it can't be disposed of within 50m? Seriously?

How are the 99% of minnows or worms in a tub OK to be released in the water while fishing, but the 1% remaining are a serious issue if put directly into the water?

Is the bait affecting or somehow how harming wildlife within 50m of shore? Throwing it in the bush 51m away is perfectly fine?

If it's a littering thing due to the mess or the smell, then just issue a ticket for littering...
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