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Old 03-15-2017, 07:51 AM
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catnthehat catnthehat is offline
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Originally Posted by titegroup View Post
If anyone thinks that ranchers & farmers, many , many miles from a CFO approved range, are going to make the trip to shoot their restricted firearms, & make the long trip home again, then you're " Delusional". This goes on all the time & the RCMP, know it does, and look the other way. They know that those country folk are 99% not a threat to public safety, hell they probably even visit them occasionally to pop off a few rounds. I know this for a fact, as a retired RCMP told me so. I guess it's like, you can do whatever, Just don't get caught, -- we live in Canada/ everything's illegal. The only ones that won't move to somehow make it legal for hunting or wilderness use are the Politicians, because it buys them votes, duping people into thinking their safer if we RPAL holders leave them locked up in our safes. The wolves guarding the sheep.-----BS. People aren't so smart ,falling for that crap.
This is the biggest pile of garbage in this whole thread from the RCMP knowing
People shoot restricted and do nothing to the politicians not making wilderness carry legal to the fact that the firearms laws not being changed somehow is the hinge point on whether or not people get elected .

RCMP will not chase down a " maybe he's shooting" just in they might be able to convict someone any sooner than they will a bootlegger .
people can get a wilderness carry permit easier today than they could 20 years ago .

As for elections hinging on a firearms issue , well just because WE think it is important not everyone else does.
Anytime I figure I've got this long range thing figured out, I just strap into the sling and irons and remind myself that I don't!

Last edited by catnthehat; 03-15-2017 at 06:14 PM.