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Old 03-08-2017, 11:45 AM
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walking buffalo walking buffalo is offline
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I earlier mentioned Walmart's interest in a volume purchase of Allocations earlier.
While in jest, there is a serious reason for the comment. a concern that has not been discussed in this thread.

The basic tenant of our Wildlife Management model is that Wildlife is "Owned by the Public, held and managed in trust by the Crown for the Public.

APOS and several Outfitters have been pushing for the legal determination that allocations are Real Property, meaning that the holder of the allocation would Own the resource described.
APOS's position on Real Property Allocations if realized would effectively dismantle the core pillar of our Wildlife Model.

Where does Walmart come into play?

If Allocations are determined to be Real Property, multi-national corporations will be quick to gain control of the resource.

A couple of years ago after an Alberta Inheritance civil suit including assets of Big game Allocations was judged, F&W received an influx of international inquiries as to the purchase of Allocations based on them being Real Property. These people were researching investments in "owning" our wildlife!

As a worst case scenario IF Allocations become "real property". Would anyone believe that Monsanto or Nestle wouldn't be interested in owning this resource?

Or how about the The Alberta Elk Commission (AEC) , Alberta White-tail & Mule Deer Association? A few years ago the Game farmers tried to get a clause added to the Livestock diversity act allowing for "escaped" elk and deer AND ALL THEIR OFFSPRING to be considered legally allowable and remain in the ownership of the company. This was an attempt to allow unfenced game farming! The Game Farming industry would be pleased with the option to own wild herds. One of the first Alberta models/studies in game farming was based on free ranging stock. Allowing Ownership of Wildlife allocations could make this model a reality.

The Outfitter big game allocation system is leading to the privatization of our wildlife.
In order to protect Wildlife as a Public resource while maintaining public hunting as a allowable management action, Allocations must be eliminated.
Alberta Fish and Wildlife Outdoor Recreation Policy -

"to identify very rare, scarce or special forms of fish and wildlife outdoor recreation opportunities and to ensure that access to these opportunities continues to be available to all Albertans."
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