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Old 03-07-2017, 05:43 PM
Salavee Salavee is offline
Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: Parkland County, AB
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Originally Posted by wildwoods View Post
Pretty sad justification of folding an entire industry. There's thousands of niche markets that if they singularly shut down wouldn't hit the radar either. I would venture hundreds if not thousands of jobs would be lost if there were no more outfitters. But hey if that gives us 20 tags instead of the 17 we can already have who cares right? Again, balance. I don't have blind allegiance to the outfitting industry at all. But I do champion their existence. As much as I value you having your job and contributing to our province in whatever industry you happen to be in.
Probably not too many jobs would be lost at all as there are less than 500 outfitters who, for many of them, do not depend on outfitting as their primary source of income. For others, it is just a glorified hobby, often funded by foreign sources, that provides an opportunity to make a few extra dollars. Add to that a few hundred part-time guides and it really does'nt amount to a whole lot , including the supporting businesses.
This is not to suggest anyone wants to see Outfitting eliminated.. just cleaned up a bunch. The self regulation and guaranteed allotment idea doesn't seem to be working and it's peeing other resource users right off. Pretty plain to see.
When applied by competent people with the right intent, common sense goes a long way.
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