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Old 03-05-2017, 09:52 PM
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Torkdiesel Torkdiesel is offline
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Originally Posted by sns2 View Post
I hope I am not coming across as begrudging you your living. I'm not at all. There are many days where I wish I were doing what you are. You didn't make the rules, you're just playing by them. I just don't agree with all the rules

I honestly think that the majority of the anti-outfitter rhetoric comes from disgust at how APOS seemingly refuses to get rid of the bad actors in your profession.
I don't. There's lots that could be, and should be changed with the whole system.

But I also think it's a viable industry that helps support thousands of families across western Canada. Now I know that means nothing to those that don't earn a living from, but to us it means a lot.

Much like oil and gas, forestry, mining or any other industry. To those that make a living from it, it's very important, but many people would like to see it all end.
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