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Old 02-22-2017, 08:27 PM
dshaw dshaw is offline
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Originally Posted by Lr1000 View Post
Few thoughts to think about as you continue on. Personally, and I've also thought of filming my own hunt not necessarily to for others pleasure but still want quality footage for myself. One of my favorite shows on tv was guide life by brad fry. He did not use $225000 cameras or have near the overhead that your carrying, however he had small sponsors and a heck of a show. If I were you I would seriously consider lowering your overhead until you have sponsors covering some costs. I would loose a few guys off your crew to help attract sponsorship and lowering your overhead. It's fine to film a friend and make his hunt part of your show like many shows do. As much as I commend you on jumping in head first doing what you love I would watch you don't burden yourself as the failure rate is so high in this industry. Also what you might think is great content as far as adventure or what I call in a show as the "filler" others way not so I wouldn't base your show off it.
x2! Brad Fry had a great show. I would add a couple other things to consider when filming a show that I like. Because of all the commercials on wild TV do yourself a favour when editing to not re-show the same footage we just watched before the commercial and then again after the commercial. The shows are short enough and I hate repeated info. I like background information on the hunt. Do as many DIY hunts as you can. For me i'm not a fan of guided hunts all the time. A few are ok, but when its just the host showing up shooting the animal and on to the next hunt! seems like they don't appreciate the time in the field. Driven TV is a good example of this, can't stand the fakeness and over excitedness. If you have a female on your staff its fine if their not all dolled up for the camera. nobody hunts with that much makeup, thats half the reason my wife hates females in most shows is its not real. and lastly while editing if you think you look like a tool then chances are so will we. Just be normal and tell it how it is. I don't want long range hunting shows because I think their boring. Like best of the west, anybody can ride around in a truck and shoot at a 1000 yards with the equipment they have. Some guys love it but not for me.
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