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Old 02-14-2017, 07:46 AM
qwert qwert is offline
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Originally Posted by bytchtyts View Post
I'm looking for a short unobtrusive scope, definitely doesn't need to be a high magnification.

Fixed magnification, It's for short range (likely sub 150 yard) hunting - just to give the old eyes a bit of help. 45-70.

In approx descending order of quality and price.

Leupold FX-II - 4x33 & 6x36, FX-3 - 6x42
Weaver K-4x?? & K-6x38

Swaro Habicht 6x36
Leupold M8 Compact - 6x??
Leupold M8 - 4x33 & 6x??
Weaver steel tube K-4 & K-6 (made in USA)
Bushnell Scopechief 4x32 (only made in japan)

There are also less common 8x & 10x, and other higher magnifications intended for target use.
These can often be found at Fun Shows and used for wide range of prices, they can be VERY good value,
don't be afraid to make a lowball offer, as few appreciate their excellent value and demand is much lower than it should be.
Many are an excellent choice for a lightweight mountain rifle.
4x can be an excellent choice on a short range rifle for old eyes.

Good Luck, YMMV.
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