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Old 02-07-2017, 11:24 AM
Bemoredog Bemoredog is offline
Join Date: Jan 2016
Posts: 365

Lake Minnewanka can be dangerous because the winds are irregular and can whip up white caps without notice.

I find Sylvan slightly dangerous because even with moderate winds the waves seem to get quite large compared to other lakes.

Spray Lakes often has dead heads and lots of dead trees along the bottom to snag your down rigger if you aren't careful. Wind (and overall weather) can be unpredictable.

CVR has several low spots. Sand bars and rocky outcroppings. There's a notable area in the middle area of the lake. If reservoir levels are low you can run aground, lose a prop or smash your lower leg. There are also other rocky outcroppings all over the lake that you need to be wary of as they literally come out of nowhere. One time I was slow trolling and ran straight into a hunk of cement about 20 feet from shore. Luckily no damage, but scary nonetheless as you're about as far from the dock as possible. If you're trolling into shallow areas I recommend pulling up your main motor to avoid any damage. Insight Genesis maps are helpful too.

Twin Valley has similar issues as CVR, particularly towards the north end where a sand bar extends almost across the reservoir. There is an area where you can progress around it to the far West side. You can also cross over the bar but your chances of getting hung up are high. The area is noticeable because lots of water birds hang out there and stand on the bar. There is also some makeshift markers folks have put in over the years (pile of rocks and sticks) that you will see when levels are low. CVR also has soft spots in the winter so driving on is risky.
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