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Old 01-27-2017, 12:11 PM
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Thunder Elk Hunter Thunder Elk Hunter is offline
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Originally Posted by HunterDave View Post
I always hear different stories so I take them with a grain of salt. This year though, three different people have seen a wolf or his tracks. First it was tracks NE of Legal, then a sighting NW of Legal and finally last week I was talking to a fella who used to trap and his house faces a field and patch of bush who swears that he saw a wolf very clearly one night.

Last week I decided to call the Wildlife Specialist at F&W in Barrhead to see if it was plausible. He told me that he had no reports but to him it was entirely possible. There has been a small pack in the Onoway area (confirmed) and there is a pack in the Rochester area and I don't think that's all that far for a wolf to travel from those locations to the Morinville area.

So what say ye.......possible or legend?
Dave you know were I live.
I have seen tracks but never a wolf in the body.
The tracks have always been a lone one. Had one travel into a bait site but never got lucky and caught it. It never came back so I would say it was just traveling thru.
So yes it is possible but I have been called out on a wolf sighting only to find it was a big dog as well.
moochers electing looters to steal from producers:

some day I'll shoot a deer bigger than my son's.
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