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Old 01-10-2017, 03:15 PM
goldscud goldscud is offline
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 2,974

Rinse, then thoroughly dry your boots, waders and other fishing equipment. This is generally sufficient to kill the TAM stage of the parasite
Chlorine (regular household bleach) is a very effective disinfectant, and one of the few that can kill all stages of the parasite if used at the proper concentration. However, chlorine is a very strong chemical and can harm your equipment with prolonged exposure, so make sure you rinse the chlorine off your waders and other equipment after you disinfect, and dry in the shade.
To kill the TAM stage, use 1 part chlorine to 32 parts water. It must stay in contact for about 10 seconds to assure disinfection.
To kill the mature myxospore that may be found in the mud from an infected stream is much more difficult and hard on equipment.
50% solution (1 part chlorine to 1 part water) - dip waders into a solution of the bleach or wipe or spray on.
10% solution (1 part chlorine to 9 parts water) and soak your equipment for 10 minutes.
Quaternary ammonium compounds are also effective in killing both parasite stages. These disinfectants are commercially available for disinfecting fishing equipment (Bright Water™) or for the pet/veterinary trade (Roccal-D™, Parvosol™).
Equally effective is water heated to nearly boiling (200 degrees F) poured over your gear and allowed to cool.
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