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Old 01-03-2017, 04:51 PM
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Originally Posted by Bitumen Bullet View Post
"It's just a blatant racist statement," said Les Couchi from (a) First Nation.

Understand that the cry of racism is coming from a person who has proven their racial purity to the government. A government which has given them a number proving that racial purity. With that number comes special racial status, special access to our political systems, special access to Canada's resources both monetary and natural.

Les Couchi is a supporter of our Apartheid system that segregated people by race, not just for where they can live, but what rules and laws apply to them.

YET they call those who are against Canada's Apartheid system racists, those who think all Canadians should be equal at least when it comes our governments and their institutions "ignorant".

There are those in Canada (the majority) who support Canada's Apartheid polices and those who don't (a minority) but it is clear to every thinking person which group contains the racists.

Racial purity??? Is there such a thing??
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