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Old 11-13-2016, 01:21 PM
rednuck rednuck is offline
Join Date: Dec 2010
Posts: 401

Originally Posted by ram crazy View Post
And how would you control the number of people on the land at one time. What if there is an incident on the land like a fire, cut fence, dead cattle, or some one got shot how do you know who did it. Does everybody that signed in get held accountable or does the government pay the lease holder for any compensation then, so we as a tax payer as a whole pay for any wrong doing. Then there is the morons that just go where ever they please without permission and if an incident happens who is responsible. Oh! wait a minute I know the lease holder is held accountable then.
How does the unlimited access everyone here wants solve any of these issues? No one solution is going to be perfect for the 3 parties involved in this, somewhere a compromise has to be made in the name of sanity.
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