Waterfowl hunting to start
Hi. My name's Vince, 44yr old. Ex cop/security/mechanic from South Africa. Lived in Canada 14 years. No tags yet but enjoy being out getting a grouse or 2, a few ducks and next is rabbits.
Been introduced to a pond for some good duck hunting if anyone is interested to go on a Monday or Wednesday morning for a few hours. It's about 35min from downtown Calgary, Once there a 25minute walk and 3 minute walk through ankle deep marsh to the blind.
Enjoy walking the hills and bush as well to find rabbits or other fowl.
Also help a farmer in the Spring and Summer months rid his land of gophers, great for target practice.
Summer time it's all about fishing and camping.
In saying all that, I'm up for some waterfowl, grouse, rabbit hunting with a partner. Could learn a few new spots as well, share stories and have some fun.
403 401 1078
Last edited by Aqr8; 10-18-2016 at 03:01 PM.
Reason: Better wording