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Old 08-22-2016, 03:03 PM
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Red Bullets Red Bullets is offline
Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: central Alberta
Posts: 12,630

Regarding the earlier mentions of large buffalo herds there was a sort of fun old tall tale from southern Alberta...

Back in the mid 1800's a man Jim Symonds was coming west with the NWMP and he told the story of how him and 50 other men were caught up in a stampeding buffalo herd for 5 days. The dust was choking and the ground rumbled like thunder 24/7. They had to fire their guns through out the day and at night to keep from getting trampled.Finally on the fifth day they were able to get out of the buffalo stampede by riding to the top a hill.
Jack in later years recalled..."It was a good thing we got to the top of that hill, because from there we could see the main herd was just coming!"
This country was started by voyagers whose young lives were swept away by the currents of the rivers for ten cents a day... just for the vanity of the European's beaver hats. ~ Red Bullets
It is when you walk alone in nature that you discover your strengths and weaknesses. ~ Red Bullets
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