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Old 06-28-2016, 11:53 AM
smitty9 smitty9 is offline
Join Date: Apr 2009
Posts: 703

The "/" symbol is not for the purpose of writing a fraction.

It is mean to convey the idea that you can reasonably expect to catch an 8 pound pike, but that would not be an average. 25 pounds is both a historical reference and a benchmark of what the lake could grow in terms of top end sizes. If I see 8 / 25, I am expecting a day of reasonable numbers of 2 to 6 pound pike, a couple in the 7 and 8 pound range, maybe a shot at something 10 plus if it's a good day.

Dave is definitely updating it; the descriptions for several rivers has changed. As for accuracy, well how many of us could do better? I am not intending to take on a defensive tone, I am just saying there are 1300 listings, and generally speaking, the fish bio's don't do regular fish inventories. Hard to be accurate when you're going by spotty historical data and anecdotal angler reports.

I buy it every year; my $13 supports a local business, being doing it since 1986. I enjoy the articles, any redundancies don't bother me.
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