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Old 06-04-2016, 10:57 PM
SNAPFisher SNAPFisher is offline
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Originally Posted by ishootbambi View Post
Quad haters have a huge biased perception. Maybe that's the answer...quad users need to post more pics and video of legitimate usage. That or we could let you haters have your way and ban it. And tree buggers can ban hunting and fishing. And those that never leave the city can ban camping and hiking. long as the ban screamers get their way we can all stay home. It doesn't matter what you like to do someone else hates it. Think about that....
Looks like you are wrong. I hate them because they make me hate them. I tried to be nice, give them the benefit of the doubt but that didn't work at all. And it wasn't a few, 2 percent my aunt fanny, that did this. 90%! Proof is in the pictures and the cam footage.

Had a dirt biker trespassing yesterday just after I got home from Calgary. Boy that was a nice welcome after a long hot drive...
Had a "talk" with him that he did not ask for permission and was in danger of getting caught if he stayed. Guy pulls off my land down in the creek area, takes off down the highway and I watch him leave until he is wayyyyy out of sight as in Kms away. Go back home and start getting stuff ready for yard work. The guy appears now out front of my house on the road, slows down, turns his head back towards me and watches me at the house. So he came back all the way look for me...
3 minutes later he is back heading the other direction and really makes the point of sitting up in the seat and slowing right down to watch me. WTF!! Why??? Why did he have to push it? This example is exactly what is wrong. No respect, no fear, no mans land. Bothered me all night. I can tell you what ran through my head. It is good thing we can't get arrested for thinking what we would like to do to someone. Best part is that I have the proof of him on the trail cam as the same bike, same person.

So when you tell of this fairy tale land where the OHV users idle slowly on their nice mud free machines and fish jump up to kiss them as they idle slowly by....hah!!! I have yet to see this utopia of well behaved OHV users at bliss with the environment.
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