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Old 05-05-2016, 09:54 PM
arrow dog arrow dog is offline
Join Date: Jun 2013
Posts: 814
Default Are you practicing the wrong way with broadheads?

Was out at the Sherwood Park Fish and Game archery range today and it never fails every year when spring bear season approaches, some clown has to go out to the archery range, usually the practice target butts, and shoot their broadhead arrows to sight in! Sometimes they even manage to convince themselves that shooting the expensive 3D targets on the course is also a grand idea!!! This is wrong in so many ways and all of the archery clubs suffer from the same problem. Target butts are not suitable for broadhead practice because the broadheads actually slice the material and shorten the life span considerably. The 3D targets suffer worse because the intelligent fool that shot the broadhead now has to actually dig the broadhead out of the 3D target leaving a big hole.

If you are new to the sport and do not know any better, please refrain from this distructive practice and purchase a broadhead target to take with you to the archery range or use the broadhead sand pit provided.

You may not be aware but if and when you are caught using broadheads on the target butts or the 3D animals, your membership will be revoked and very doubtful if you will ever get it back. This rule is very much enforced by ALL THE LOCAL ARCHERY CLUBS and I'm sure most everywhere else.
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