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Old 04-24-2016, 08:22 AM
SNAPFisher SNAPFisher is offline
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 4,461

Agreed Cat. I started off earlier by saying that its the bad apples...

Unfortunately its the quading that gets them into all kinds of places they wouldn't on a truck or other larger vehicle. I thought it was a few until I put up cameras to record repeat offenders. Some repeats, but, I was surprised at how many are new every time. It's not like a live in a bad area...other than a lot of good creek land on our property and thus the quaders like the area.

The other point is the damage quads to just by moving. I have one, I use it on the farm for work. It is only a old 2 wheeler. I have to take corners slow on the grass or it rips it up. And the tires I have are down the middle and not too supped up. One of the places where they cut the fence, 3 years ago now. The quad tracks still look like there were just made. Quads do a lot of damage, quickly, and it is long lasting.

It is also strangely very popular in the province. The shear numbers I see are proof. Seems like everyone and their dog has a quad. Why so many want to take them and off road on private property is beyond me. They don't seem to use the local and maintained trails around the river valley.

I hope this helps understand why I'm ticked at one particular group of people.
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