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Old 03-16-2016, 07:47 AM
bill9044 bill9044 is offline
Join Date: Aug 2013
Posts: 970

OK whoa I got add my 2cents here.... I have worked all over this province for a decade from Waterton to ring border to ft mac. I have seen dozens of lynx many wolves many caribou but only 2 marten never a fisher and never a wolverine. These last 3 are cagy they don't like being seen. Your handle on here is YaHa Tina. Have you ever seen a wolverine up there cause thier there. Please read the wolverine study thread on the main trapping page. Also if you think that 0 trapping will increase the odds of the public seeing some woodland creatures then go to one of the 1/3 of the trap lines that are not trapped and tell me what you see.or go to Banff tell me what you see running around. Please read some of keg rivers posts the most recent few in the beaver trapping under ice thread keg nails it. Again I say it this odd RESPECT thing that seem more elusive than the GULO GULO.
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