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Old 03-16-2016, 04:57 AM
scel scel is offline
Join Date: Aug 2011
Posts: 521

Originally Posted by -carson- View Post
I'm looking to try more streamer fishing this year and wonder what you all favour as your go to rod for streamers. I'm leaning toward a 7wt but not sure if this would be too light?

The rod would normally used on trout water, perhaps some Pike on days where I can't make a far trip out of the city.

I currently own a 4 wt and as much as I love it, it's a pain to fish larger streamers with, obviously.
I have caught many species of fish, but bull trout have eluded me. However, I went on pike intensive this summer. I used a 6wt and an 8wt. Now, I would not consider fishing for pike with anything less than an 8wt unless times were desperate (9 and 10 wt were better).

Besides, if the unfortunate should ever fall on you, with an 8wt, you have bonefish and steelhead rod when the opportunity hits. Both are addictions that are hard to shake.
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