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Old 03-15-2016, 05:19 PM
Pudelpointer Pudelpointer is offline
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Originally Posted by Springerman View Post
Sorry Pudlepointer, I wasn't angry at all I must have inadvertentley
touched that symbol in error !!!

Quite the contrary, I really enjoyed your video, I thot it was great , it reminded me of an incident with my first dog, a female
LAB, she was chasing a wounded Mallard on the Bow River, it dove just when she got to it and to my surprise she dove after it and came up it.So I was sincere in my praise of your dog. Cheers Springerman
I pretty much figured that is what happened..... but then I thought maybe you had a "soft spot" for geese....

I was pretty proud of her for tackling that big bugger.
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