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Old 03-15-2016, 09:04 AM
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The Spruce The Spruce is offline
Join Date: Jan 2009
Location: North Eastern Alberta
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Originally Posted by Yaha Tinda View Post
Of the three baits I have found, none had the required signage. I see baiting wolves as a multi year project, lack of tracks to the bait means....nothing.
You are very in-experienced to think that a bait site is a multiyear deal. Coyotes-yes. Wolves-good luck with that. I'm not going to get into wolf baiting with you, you clearly will not understand, or except what experience teaches IMO.

As for hunters baiting wolves on RFMA's, bring it on. Had this happen to me this year, worked like a charm for me. Said hunter brought in bait (which in this case was illegal, but myself and F&W came up with an agreement to leave it). I trapped wolves off their bait at a distance, didn't affect their hunt, they didn't effect my trapping, actually enhanced it.

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