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Old 03-15-2016, 12:35 AM
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RavYak RavYak is offline
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Originally Posted by Newview01 View Post
Do you know how much of our taxes goes towards healthcare? And yes, obviously, wait times can be longer. But in general are they? I have relatives in the States, and they get state of the art health care pretty quick compared to us..
And do you know that on average US people pay more then 150% more then we Canadians and most other single payer healthcare countries pay?

Do you know that over half of the US's personal bankruptcies are due to healthcare issues, many of which are people that have insurance which turns out to be insufficient?

Or that there are many US people that die or suffer from severe health problems because they cannot afford treatment?

These are all facts that can be easily proven with a couple minutes of research into the matter.

The US healthcare system works great for those that have large amounts of cash on hand or excellent insurance coverage but for everyone else it is not a good system and it needs to be revamped and any Canadian that says it isn't possible is stupid as we already have it and I guarantee if we spent the extra 50% to spend the same as US per capita we wouldn't have the wait times/issues our current system does...
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