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Old 03-14-2016, 09:25 PM
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Bushrat Bushrat is offline
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Originally Posted by Jpl View Post
The flops:
Trump Mortgage
Trump Casinos
Trump Steak
Trump Vodka
Trump University
Trump Magazine
Trump the game

The successes
Grand Hyatt
Trump Tower
The Aprentice
40 Wall St building
Trump Place
Trump international Tower

All venture capital gaines were not of his doing they were "presents" from people on the team (daddies guys and gals), they were mostly fixer uppers that were found for him.

Still he's doing a bit better then my current RRSP.
I was wrong 4 not 3 of his companies have ever filed for bankruptcy. He has closed some of his companies but when you own 400 some do better than others so you close some or sell some to use the money to invest in other businesses as time and the business world evolve, but I wouldn't call them failures in the sense of the bankrupt word.

The 'presents' you talk about from members of the 'team' are what business people do, they put people who can call shots, make decisions, make money on their team and pay them well. They are doing their job they were hired for. Nobody has time to operate 400 businesses. Especially right now when he is running for rep leadership these businesses must be run by his hired people.

You say Trump is doing better than your current RRSP then he is doing pretty darn good. Compared to trillions in far more diversified mutual fund/rrsp market and you say Trump is doing better with a far less diversified 4 billion dollar 400 company portfolio to work with tells me he knows at least as much as those investment house bankers playing with your rrsp fund. How many of those companies your rrsp money is invested in have gone bankrupt, lots of them, some win some lose. Hopefully more win than lose. For Trump to lose or close a few business is to be expected, it makes good business sense to plug the leaks. The bigger the ship the more leaks it will have, the idea is to keep it afloat so collectively it can keep delivering the cargo.
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