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Old 02-26-2016, 10:29 PM
bobtodrick bobtodrick is offline
Join Date: Sep 2013
Posts: 3,939

Won't be changing much.
I've been in the work force forty years now and thank the powers that be that I chose a field that is little affected by happenings in the energy sector.
I'm probably one of few that, having been in the work for as long as I have, I've never had to avail myself of EI .
That being said I've always conducted my financial affairs with the thought in mind that I be able to survive at least six months with no income before I would have to worry about cashing in savings and such.
Means I haven't got as many toys as a lot of my friends, but it also means I don't owe anyone any money (I buy four five year old used vehicles, pay cash...haven't had a car payment in thirty years)...and I never lose sleep worrying about money.
I truly feel for the people that take the bait. The banks are too willing to let you get into debt, as long as you pay the interest charges...and I do a slow burn everytime I get the 'you've been preapproved' letters in the mail, knowing how many people fall for them.
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