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Old 02-14-2016, 09:54 PM
HunterDave HunterDave is offline
Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: Copperhead Road, Morinville
Posts: 19,289

Great thread filled with a lot of excellent info and pictures.....perfect!

I figured that I had everything on hand and was ready to go but......I forgot about the 16" bar on my chainsaw! I'm going to pick up a 28" bar like you suggested TFNG. I like that setup with the nail as well, it looks a lot easier than farting around with wire all the time. What size of double ferrel did you use for it? I'm going to forget about getting cam locks like Parfleche recommended (thank you) and maybe go with a sturdier lock like yours TFNG.

I agree that Ryan's holes looks a lot bigger than what should be required and I'm thinking that half that size ought to work fine just like in the pictures above. Do you fellas just leave them open or do you shovel some snow into them? I saw somewhere that you didn't want the sun shining down on the snares and it was better to cover the holes. I was actually thinking about putting a couple of pieces of scrap plywood over top and shovelling snow on them. Waste of time?

TFNG, will a beaver fit up that slit in the ice or will you have to do some chopping?

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